How much would you be ready to pay if you found out there was a pill that has been proven to help you lose 10 pounds in a week?
The chances are that you wouldn’t mind any amount as long as the result was guaranteed. But do you know what?
You can eat your way to good weight and health. Other factors being kept constant, you are what you eat. Be on the wrong diets and you not only become a heavyweight but a recipient of many illnesses.
In this piece, we shall be considering 5 different diets that can help you lose weight very fast without affecting your health. If you are a celebrity or not, and have been watching your weight or seeking some supplements to your daily exercise to get rid of excess fat, you are in the right place. You don’t have to pay for this “pill.”
And you don’t have to starve yourself either. No need to worry about side defects because there are none. After you go through the 5 diets discussed here, you can choose whichever resonates with you depending on your nutritional needs.
Weight Loss Diets That Work Fast
1. The Cabbage Soup Diet
This is most appropriate for you if you love cabbage and can eat it as many times as possible. In addition to your regular exercise, cabbage soup diet works so fast that within a week, you can lose as much as 10 pounds. The beauty of this diet type is that there is no limit to the amount of cabbage you can eat in a day.
Cabbage is loaded with a lot of fiber which your body needs to get rid of toxins in your system. One celebrity that has adopted this diet plan and has worked for her is Jaime Presley who acted in the TV series titled “My Name Is Earl.” With the aid of the cabbage soup, she was able to get rid of the excess 32 pounds that she gained while she was pregnant.
Another celebrity who has also become a big fan of the cabbage soup diet is Sarah Michelle Gellar who starred in “Buffy And Vampire Slayer.” You just have to increase the intake of cabbage soup while reducing other types of food. It works very fast.
2. The Low-Carb Diet
This diet type ensures that you consume foods whose carbohydrate content is low and it really works fast if you follow it. These low-carb foods, though low in carbohydrates that can decrease your weight, are really rich in vitamins and minerals that function in improving body metabolism.
Examples of low-carb foods which you can begin to eat to lose your weight quickly are strawberries, milk, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, sea bass, chicken breast, herbs and a whole lot of other green vegetables that may be readily available around you.
The working mechanism of this diet rests on the fact that too many of carbohydrates in your system can result in insulin imbalance which, in turn, can lead to excessive weight gain. This diet ensures that of the 100 percent calories you take every day, only 10 percent comes from carbohydrates, 60 percent would be fat, while the remaining 30 percent would be from protein.
It should be noted that there are different types of proteins but of all, the lean protein should be chosen for fast weight loss. Similarly, only mono and poly-saturated fats should be consumed. Examples of such fats include nuts, peanut butter, olive oil, fish oil, seeds, and flax oil.
You need to know as well that there are different types of low-carb diets and these differences are based on the percentages of the calories from carbohydrates. But for a really fast weight loss, you have to choose one in which grains such as pasta, flour, and bread and even beans would be at the minimum.
3. The Juice Fast Diet
This is a crash weight loss diet that you can be on if you have a target to meet. You may not even have to bother with exercise that much when you are on it as it is known to bring about very fast result in weight loss with no known side effects. When you are on this type of diet, all you feed on are fruits and vegetables and nothing more.
You can try it for 2 or more days at a stretch and then incorporate some low-calorie carbohydrates in-between. This type of diet is also known as Fat Sick and Nearly Dead diet. It was popularized by the 2010 documentary in which an Australian by the name Joe Cross placed himself on a 60-day juice fast diet during his journey across the U.S. On his way, he met an Iowa truck driver named Phil Staples who was morbidly obese.
Joe then convinced him to join him on his juice fast diet and he did. Consequently, Phil Staples lost 80 pounds and never needed to continue using any medication. You may not have to go 60 days on a juice fast but as earlier mentioned, if you can observe it for up to 72 hours at a stretch, you are sure to witness a really fantastic result.
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4. The Volumetrics Diet
This type of diet ensures that you eat to your satisfaction without taking in too many calories. In other words, it is based on achieving satiety while keeping your body calorie level in check. The foods you eat here are normally low in density but are high in volume. Examples of such include cucumber and watermelon.
They have a high water content such that when you eat them, you get the satisfaction of being full and you don’t load your body with too many calories. In the scale of volumetrics eating, all foods can be categorized into four types, the first of which is very low-energy-dense-foods whose contents are mostly water and fiber.
Some examples are non-starchy vegetables, soups that are broth-based, fresh fruits and dairy products that don’t contain fat. The second category is low-energy-dense-foods and the types of food that fall in this category are grains, breakfast cereal, starchy fruits and vegetables, legumes, meat that is low in fat, beans, rice, and so on. These foods are dense but low in energy.
The third category in volumetric diets are foods which are of medium-energy. Examples are ice creams, meat, salad dressing, cheese, bread, cake, and pizza. The last category is high-energy-dense foods which include oil, butter, crackers, chocolates, cookies, nuts, and chips.
In effectively losing weight within a short time, volumetric diet requires that you eat more of the first two categories while category 4 should be drastically minimized. Category 3 should also be taken with caution.
5. The Grapefruit Diet
Grapefruits are believed to have enzymes that burn fats and as early as 1930, the diet has been in vogue to eliminate as much as 1000 calories of fat in a single day. If you love grapefruit, it may be the time to revisit it for your weight loss. However, in using it, you would have to be on low-calorie foods too and couple it with regular exercises.
Kylie Minogue was one celebrity that used it and reported that it worked. Brooke Shields equally attested to this fact too. For longterm weight loss, you may have to incorporate the grapefruit into your diet.
Final Remarks
Since your body is at stake here, you would do well to cross-check with your physician with which weight loss diet is best for you. That’s because there are really no hard and fast rules on this subject. However, the information contained in this piece is reliable to a large extent as many of the diets have been proven to work.
They should help you to know which types of food to be avoided and which type of diet plan you can opt for when you discuss it with your physician.
“All this by a 7-second daily ritual?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
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